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Things to do

Top Tips for Spring in the Garden

30th Mar 2020

Now is the ideal time for a spring clean of your garden and your tools. Here are our top tips of gardening at this time of year.

Our Top Tips:
  1. Spring is a great season to tidy up your garden by removing any weeds which have sprung up with the recent, persistent rainfall during February.
  2. Your lawn has not had much attention during the winter, but this month it will start to grow vigorously. First, rake the lawn to get rid of any leaves or moss, this will help point the blades of grass upright ready for mowing. At the end of March, give the lawn a good feed to improve its quality before sowing any new seeds to repair any patches that have developed over the winter. 
  3. Plant your herbaceous perennials.  This is also a fantastic time to divide any existing perennials to plant in new areas of the garden.
  4. Plant seeds for vegetables such as broad beans, parsnips, turnips and radishes to keep your family entertained and fed for many weeks to come.
  5. Plant summer bulbs such as dahlia, begonia, lily, gladioli, freesia which will add variety and colour to your garden during the warm summer months.
  6. Mulch trees and bushes to keep the weeds away and help to retain moisture in the soil.
  7. Create a new basket or pot with a mixture of foliage and flora to ensure a bright welcome to the front of your house over the coming months.
  8. Check over your garden tools and give them a spring clean to make sure they are in top condition for the months ahead.
  9. If you don’t have a garden or an allotment, plant pots and window boxes can accommodate anything from potatoes to tulips. And for micro gardening try growing cress seeds in egg shells with the kids.
Eden Project

To read more tips, visit our partner Eden Project’s website for more top tips.

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