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National news

World Earth Day

16th Apr 2023

World Earth Day is an annual event celebrated globally on 22 April to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The day aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage people to take action to protect the planet. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and since then, it has become a significant event in the environmental calendar.

The theme for Earth Day changes every year, with a focus on a particular environmental issue or concern. For example, the theme for Earth Day 2021 was "Restore Our Earth," which emphasized the need for restoration and regeneration of the planet's ecosystems.

You can find out more about World Earth Day together with loads of ideas for ‘doing your bit’ for the environment.

There are various ways in which people can celebrate World Earth Day, from participating in community events and clean-up activities to taking individual actions to reduce their environmental impact. These actions could include using public transportation or biking instead of driving, reducing energy consumption at home, and supporting local businesses that prioritize sustainability.

As you may know, CSSC have pledged to kick more plastic out of our events and sports to reduce our impact on the environment with CSSC Green. And we’ve promised to work with more partners and suppliers who can demonstrate a sustainable work ethic.

A fantastic opportunity to come together

World Earth Day is also an opportunity for governments, businesses, and organisations to make commitments to address environmental challenges. For example, many countries use this day to announce new policies or initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions, protecting endangered species, or promoting sustainable practices.

One of the key messages of Earth Day is the importance of collective action to protect the planet. The day brings together people from different backgrounds, cultures, and countries to work towards a common goal of creating a sustainable future. It is a reminder that everyone has a role to play in protecting the environment, whether it's through individual actions or collective efforts.

World Earth Day is also a time to reflect on the progress made towards environmental protection and the challenges that remain.

In recent years, there has been growing awareness of the impact of human activities on the environment, and a recognition that urgent action is needed to address these challenges. World Earth Day plays an important role in raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging people to take action to protect the planet.

CSSC Green

We’ve planned a series of community clean-ups across the country, which are free to attend and join. We’ve also partnered with Mobile Advantage, a sustainable tech store which not only saves you money on discounted electronics, but saves the environment by refurbishing smart tech and recycling old devices.

If you would like to organise an environmentally friendly activity such as a litter pick or beach clean-up, please get in touch with your local volunteer or VTL.

We’ll continue to make our events as sustainable as possible. So, if you have any ideas about how we can achieve this or steps we can take, please do get in touch.

See our eco-friendly events

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