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National news

Tree planting in Hertfordshire

30th Jan 2023

On 14 January the Hertfordshire Rotary Club hosted a tree planting event in Swinburne recreation Ground in Hitchin. Rotary Club member and CSSC volunteer, Susan Downie, opened the opportunity up to CSSC members, who jumped at the chance of taking up the challenge to improve their local area and championing the first of many eco-friendly projects we’re rapidly expanding throughout 2023.

In total over 70 volunteers helped plant in excess of 1,700 trees, ably supported by seven volunteers who booked the event through CSSC.

This new bank of trees on the Rec ground will, over time, add to the existing hedgerow, helping to create not only a land bridge for thousands of species of birds and other wildlife, but a vital sound barrier for local residents and form a natural sponge to help slowdown rain run-off, during downpours.

It was fun participating in planting the trees on Saturday, great teamwork and lovely people.”

“Thank you all for your support. We met a lot of very lovely, committed people.” 

Trees are one of natures’ finest carbon capture systems, with new trees capturing more carbon and release greater quantities of oxygen than older trees by some margin. But much more than this, as mentioned, trees provide not only vital homes and shade for animals, insects, fungi and flora, they help reduce the impact of flooding, particularly where homes have been built on areas liable to flooding, by their root systems soaking up vast quantities of water, which would have quickly run off manufactured landscapes much easier.

How can you help?

Planting trees in your communities is such a simple and helpful way to help nature. But, there are rules and regulations around planting trees, which should always be followed.

A great place to start is by searching for charities or organisations such as local Rotary Clubs, Scout or Girl Guide Groups, Woodland Trust or National Forest Foundation, for advice and help on organising a group event. Or of course you could plant a single sapling in your garden, allotment, or even in a pot to help your community.

We’re keen to increase the number of eco-friendly events and activities we host this year, and so if you’d like to arrange something similar in your area, why not get in touch with your Volunteer Team Leader to help? OR even reach out on social media to find other committed volunteers and members.

National Litter Pick Day

It’s early days, but we hope to organise a National Litter Pick Day on 22 April to coincide with Earth Day.

We’ll be looking for as many volunteers, members and staff to sign up as possible and we’re hoping for help across the entire country in every area. So, if this sounds like something you’d like to help with, please get in touch with who’ll put you in touch with others.

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