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National news


12th Dec 2022

Eight days of celebration

Hanukkah is celebrated over eight days and nights commemorating the rededication during the second century BC of the second temple in Jerusalem.

Its traditions can be traced back many hundreds, even thousands of years and holds a special place in the hearts of many observers for its welcoming, colourful and joyful celebrations, including telling stories, playing games, eating good food in good company and lighting the menorah.

The Menorah

At the heart of the festival is the nightly lighting of the Menorah. An often beautifully elaborate lampstand, traditionally fuelled by olive oil, symbolises the ideal of universal enlightenment. Its original seven-light design can be traced back millennia and modern versions, replacing oil with candles can be found in homes around the world.

During Hanukkah, families will use a nine-branch Menorah and light one candle each night of Hanukkah, using the ninth candle as an igniter, so after eight nights all candles are lit. Blessings are recited, and songs were sung before and after the lighting.

And why eight days? According to one legend, those who took part in the rededication witnessed a ‘miracle’. Even though there was only enough olive oil to keep the candles burning for one day, the flame continued for eight whole days allowing enough time to find more.

A time to celebrate

Many families celebrate Hanukkah together, often inviting friends of other faiths or no faith to share the joy. Traditions like sharing gifts, food and festivities with friends and loved ones are a welcome opportunity to have fun marking the start of the winter months.

If you are celebrating Hanukkah this year, we wish you a Hanukkah Sameach.

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