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A typical day in the life of a CSSC volunteer

06th Dec 2019

If you ask any of our volunteers, chances are they’ll say, that no two days are ever the same. And that diversity is one of the reasons why they love volunteering so much. But to give you an idea of what to expect when volunteering with us, we caught up with a volunteer from this year’s CSSC Games, to find out what they got up to.

CSSC Games – 12-13 September, Loughborough University

10 Feb I registered my interest to volunteer at this year’s games. I’ve never been to one, despite volunteering for nine years, so thought I’d give it a try.

20 Apr CSSC confirmed my place at the games, so I booked time off work and started making plans.

6 Sept I received the information pack and agenda, together with confirmation of travel and accommodation details.

12 September

10am - Arrived at Loughborough University with a couple of hours spare before competitors started to arrive. Settled into my accommodation and familiarised myself with the layout and surroundings. It was much more comfortable than when I was at University. 

11am – Received the safety briefing and instructions on where my activity was located. Picked up my new kit and clothing and took a walk around the campus to find my bearings.

1pm – Paused for lunch before the contestants started to arrive. I bumped into an old friend who was volunteering at the rounders and promised to meet up.

2pm – We start to welcome competitors and directing them to their accommodation and sporting venues.

4pm – Helped a member find the archery venue and reunited a kit bag with its owner.

6pm – Ushered members to the correct dining hall and paused for dinner and a catch up with fellow volunteers.

9pm – Went to the union bar for a quick ‘get to know you’ drink and then early to bed, ready for tomorrow’s festivities.

13 September

8am – Early start and full breakfast today. Not quite sure what to expect.

10am - Headed to the fencing piste to stand “on guard” and help wherever I was needed.

12pm – Organised the packed lunches and made sure the dietary requirements were all met.

1pm – Helped hand out the medals and water and kept track of the equipment and kit bags. Ushered competitors through the next round.

2pm – Absolutely amazed by the fencing on display. I still can’t believe how professional it was. It felt like being at the Olympics.

3pm – Helped tidy up the venue and wandered over to the rounders event to catch up with my friend and lend a hand.

8pm – The evening party was in full swing and had a great time with this year’s theme of Heroes and Villains.

12am - Made it back to my room about midnight, thoroughly exhausted, but delighted to have been a part of such a great event.

14 September

8am – Checked out of my room and headed down for my final breakfast.

10am – Helped some of the remaining competitors check out and find their transport home.

11am – Swapped contact details with a couple of my fellow volunteers and got to the train station with time to spare for the next train to London.

3pm – Made it home in great time and uploaded all the fab photos from last night.

7pm – Slept like a baby, thankfully it’s the weekend.

If you’ve been inspired by anything you’ve read over the last few days or would like to know a bit more about volunteering with CSSC, please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.

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