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Blueprint Project Proposal Fund | CSSC Midlands

15th Aug 2022

We now have a very clear process where any Midlands member can propose an activity, offer or an event and be supported with training and funding to help you make it happen.

You just bring a little time, experience and enthusiasm and we’ll bring the rest.

You’d join the volunteer community as an organiser and deliver or administer your activity, offer or event to our membership.  In the process you’ll gain valuable skills around project management, leadership, teamwork and managing a quality service.

Come join us and help bring our members together to share interests, skills and knowledge and build friendships and communities.

It you’re interested in being part of something amazing fill in the proposal form  with as much detail as you can and it will be assessed to go to the next Midlands Team meeting for review as a viable project.

If you would like to discuss further please contact the Midlands Volunteer Team Leader, Michelle Chelu at

Visit Proposal Form

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