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See our latest Finance Paper

08th Nov 2019

Our latest Finance Paper in the series of CSSC’s papers relating to financial matters has been released.


Finance Paper Three (FP3) provides affiliates with a set of guidelines for prize draws, competitions, corporate cards, vouchers and season tickets, to achieve a greater consistence throughout our local offering.


The guidelines are for you to discuss with your committees and begin to consider how you might implement them. Don’t forget that your VTL is close by and on hand to support you if you need it.


Throughout the process of producing these guidelines, we have consulted with volunteers and the Volunteer Support Team working closely with you. This is to ensure the guidance produced is as fair and inclusive as possible, no matter what size or level of grant your area receives.


Where possible, we have provided a guideline of the maximum percentage of grant that should be used for the areas covered by this Finance Paper. We welcome feedback on this and any other aspects of the paper.


Lauren Fairhurst will be collating any feedback you may have. If you have any observations, feedback, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email Lauren and she will be happy to help you.


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