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National news

International Women’s Day

08th Mar 2021

Today is International Women’s Day, when the whole world pauses and reflects to honour the amazing work and immeasurable achievements women in particular make.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and helping to raise funds for female-focused charities like Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Catalyst, Equality Now and many others.

On a mission

International Women’s Day (IWD) has a number of missions to help realise their goal of a gender equal world.

  • raising greater awareness about issues impacting women's equality
  • taking a stance to call out inequality while working to forge positive action
  • highlighting and applauding where important gains are being made
  • celebrating women's achievements and accomplishments

Choose to challenge

This year’s theme is ‘Choose to Challenge’. To encourage everyone to call out gender bias whenever they witness it, to help create a more inclusive world.

Everyone can help IWD spread the word by striking your ‘Choose to Challenge’ pose and sharing on social media using #ChooseToChallenge or #IWD2021.

Find out more and get involved on the International Women's Day website.

CSSC’s International Women’s Day

To celebrate IWD and help mark this important day, we’re planning a series of events and articles. Including:

  • a podcast from Jody Hughes focusing on women in sport
  • a webcast from Katie Bradshaw on the benefits of volunteering and women in leadership roles
  • insight into women working in CSSC from a number of inspiring colleagues

We’re also asking for our members on social media to tell us which women they most admire and why. You can join in at #ChooseToChallenge or #IWD2021.

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