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National news

Coping with Pressure at Work

14th Aug 2019
"In the past year, 74% of people have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope." - (Mental Health Foundation, 2018)

Richard Holmes, Managing Director of Working Health, says “A certain amount of pressure is vital in order for us to perform at our best. However, if it creates strain and panic, our health and performance will suffer as a result. With the right tools, we can avoid most of the negative effects of pressure, by having strategies in place to cope with it.”

For information and support, resources go visit
Ten Top Tips
  1. Reflect on your current pressure levels – are you coping well or are you showing signs of stress?
  2. Identify the main pressures in your life and make an action plan to deal with them.
  3. Try calming breathing techniques to relax.
  4. Accept that there are things you can’t change – focus on what you can and adapt to those things you can’t change.
  5. Seek help if you are feeling high anxiety or panic levels.
  6. Ask for support from others; and support others.
  7. Take time out to do things you enjoy.
  8. Practice mindfulness techniques.
  9. Slow down and take time to think. Excuse yourself from the situation for 5 minutes to regroup your thoughts.
  10. Avoid coping mechanisms like smoking, alcohol, caffeine and alcohol, which can have long term negative effects on your ability to cope.

Without the right levels of energy and stamina, it is very difficult to consistently employ the mental coping skills and strategies you use to deal with stressful or high-pressure situations.

There are a number of actions you can take to help develop your physical resilience including:

  • Being active
  • Eating a healthy, varied diet
  • Sleeping well
  • Pacing yourself well


Credit: My Gym Discounts

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