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Local news

Thank you!

04th Dec 2020
Message from Chair of CSSC London Region

I would like to take this opportunity to extend heartfelt thanks to all Volunteers within London Region for their continued support towards CSSC and its members during this past year.


At the start of 2020, we were all looking forward to another year of continued success. Volunteers had put in place plans and aspirations for their chosen activity, only for these to be thrown into disarray with the announcement in March of a National Lockdown and the curtailment of all sporting and social activities.

We had to adjust to different working practices, with many of us resorting to working from home. Missing out on our connections with colleagues and activities had a detrimental effect upon our mental wellbeing.

Changing Seasons

As spring turned to summer a glimmer of hope arose and many of us were able to re-engage with our chosen activities. A sense of normality returned, albeit with social distancing, sanitizing regimes and revised or adapted playing protocols in place.

As summer faded and autumn arrived, we entered a second lockdown. However, recent announcements over vaccine developments bring a brighter outlook on the horizon for next year. 2021 marks our Centenary and it is somewhat coincidental that CSSC was formed following the Spanish Flu pandemic from 1918 to 1920. We should embrace our Centenary and use it to re-energise CSSC and our chosen activities. You as Volunteers are at the forefront of this work.

Once again, a big Thank You to you all.

Without you, the Volunteers, CSSC would not be able to thrive.

Paul Stubbs
Chair London Region

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