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Local news

Midlands Region Competition Winners

07th Dec 2021
Midlands Got Talent

Our Midland Got Talent competition had 3 fantastic finalists, who each contributed to a great evening's entertainment at the Regional Conference. Clare Snape recorded Zoom interviews with each participant who also performed their act on screen. Congratulations to Richard Cross, who plays tunes expertly with these hands (otherwise referred to as a manualist); to David Simmons-Lindill, who entertained us with his excellent magical skills; and to overall winner Steffi Baugh whose aerial hoop act wowed everyone!

Sunflower Growing Competition

Thanks to all who took part our adult winner was Gywneth Woodall from Nottingham and the child winner was Rory aged 4, from Telford

Photography Competition

The winner of our ‘New Beginnings’ photography competition is Mandy Wass from the Notts & Derby Area. The photo encapsulates perfectly what so many of us have embraced in recent times - a new career in camping! Mandy started a career break in March 2020 with the intention of travelling for a year but of course, Covid put paid to that; so she has been enjoying her new beginnings to the full with a tent!

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