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Local news

Mid & West Glamorgan Area - Welcome from the Chair

04th Oct 2021

Hi All, my name is Craig Johnstone and I was voted to be the new Area Chairperson for the upcoming year.

Upcoming events

I know 2020 was a hard year for all our members since, we as an Area, were not able to organise any trips or other events. I hope that this year will be different and that we will be able to organise events and trips. I have a great team to work with and advise me, Jill, John and Denver.

Connect with us

This year I hope that you will all join our Facebook page. We shall be using this to keep you updated with all our current information on any activities that we will be running. I would also like to take this opportunity to ask that you, as our members, send in ideas for events for us to run. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to use all of them.

Looking forwards

Most importantly, Facebook will be a means for you to contact us the committee, something that hasn't been done before. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and trips.

Yours sincerely,

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions, or just want to say hello.

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