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CSSC Office Champions Wanted

17th Sep 2019
What is an Office Champion?

Do you have an Office Champion in your department/office who is actively promoting CSSC within your organisation? If not, why not take the opportunity to volunteer as an Office Champion with CSSC Sports & Leisure. CSSC Exeter and Torbay Area are looking to expand their network of ‘Champions’.

You can be as involved as you want to be. From simply distributing CSSC literature and information around your office, to talking to colleagues and actively recruiting members, or organising for the sales team to come in to present to your colleagues.

What’s In It For You?

Having Fun; Meeting new people, making new friends and broadening your social contact network; Building your self-esteem and confidence; Learning or developing new skills; Forging pathways to enhance your work experience; Gaining qualifications and building your CV; Chance to support something you feel strongly about.

You would be entitled to one coach trip or event up to the value of £30 per year and as a one-off, a T-shirt and a goody bag of promotional items.

Please email your interest to Debbie Jones.

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