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Local news

A Message from your Cornwall Committee

07th Oct 2019

Hi members!

The format of our newsletter is changing as we need to send out future editions only through Head Office to ensure compliance with data protection legislation and to be sure we get it to any new members who may have signed up since the last edition. I hope that the changes do not cause problems but please let me know of any issues by contacting

One advantage will be that events will be linked to CSSC’s Nutickets system which will allow you to book and pay for events you wish to attend in just a few clicks from the newsletter, so get ready and book up!

The lay out of our newsletter will be slightly different to accommodate all this.

Our 2019 events have proved popular so far with many selling out and much enjoyment having been had by many members.  I regret to say that “Murder on the Dance Floor” at the Alverton Manor is fully booked, our weekend trip to London is now full and that all tickets have been sold for the Theatre Royal pantomime.

We still have events available so hopefully we will see you all soon.

Look out for mailshots for any new additions to the programme your Committee may arrange.

And STOP PRESS, thanks to our SW Region Comms Officer CSSC Cornwall now has a Facebook page, so you can follow us there too!  Thanks Debbie!

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